Personal Legend of a Pathfinder

I was your typical young boy that was starting his first day at school. Immediately I was overwhelmed by the music and the school bell.  My senses where overwhelmed as I have Autism….

Follow this young Pathfinders Journey as He takes us with him on a narrative trip through his young life.

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Adele’s Personal Legend

…When I look at my life, my journey, I honestly can’t believe I’ve made it. Made it through 16 years of life, 16 years of hardship, happiness, experience all bound by the simple belief of hope with the help of so many people. every single person. Yes, even the bad ones. And I think it’s so exciting to know that I still have so many years to come and I can finally say, so proudly, that it’s quite frankly just the beginning. The beginning of my life and my journey.